Purchase a Gift

Are you looking for a unique way to celebrate a birthday, anniversary or other special occasion?

Do you wish to honor the memory of a loved one or friend?

Your tax-deductible purchase will enable Friends to acquire the following library items that will enrich the lives of patrons by promoting the joy of reading. Send information about your gift such as the name and occasion, to friends@friendsmdlbpd.org.

$20 donation will purchase a movie with audio descriptions.

$50 donation will purchase a book written in both print and Braille for sighted parents to read with their blind child or blind parents to read with their sighted child.

$75 donation will create a digital talking book that blind or print disabled patrons may borrow.

$100 donation will purchase a pre-literacy kit to introduce young children to the fun of reading.

$350 donation will purchase a special player for blind patrons to borrow to listen to digital talking books.

$500 donation will purchase a book with tactile pictures or tactile objects.

$1,000 donation will bring theater and other cultural programs to the library.

Purchase a Gift

Become a Friend

By becoming a Friend of Maryland LBPD, you will help to open the doors of opportunity for blind children to develop literacy skills; provide seniors the means to continue reading even though their vision is diminishing, and to enable blind adults to participate in all aspects of community life.

The Friends is a (501(c)(3) charitable organization that provides supplementary support for the Maryland Library for the Blind and Print Disabled.

To become a member of the Friends, please download the membership application below.

Return the completed form to:

Friends of Maryland LBPD
672 Old Mill Road, #128
Millersville, MD 21108-1363

Sign-up Online
Download Application

Estate Planning

You can also support the Friends through estate planning.

Please contact us to discuss options for planned giving such as

  • charitable trust
  • beneficiary designation
  • living will
  • asset-gifts

or whichever type of charitable giving you may be interested in.

The Friends organization has a consultation arrangement with Morgan Stanley to help coordinate your wishes in this regard.

Get Started


Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.

Mark Twain


What a blind person needs is not a teacher but another self.

Helen Keller


I have always depended on the kindness of strangers.


Tennessee Williams